
How I drank Kölsch beer part 1

Like every German city, Cologne is famous for beer. Kelsch (kolsch), perhaps one of the most famous varieties produced in Cologne. Although it belongs to the Lager category, this does not mean that it is all the same. Kelsh is brewed in private breweries, and there are about seventy of them in the city. And each has its own prescription of jam, its own.

Like every German city, Cologne is famous for beer. Kelsch (kolsch), perhaps one of the most famous varieties produced in Cologne. Although it belongs to the Lager category, this does not mean that it is all the same. Kelsh is brewed in private breweries, and there are about seventy of them in the city. And each has its own jam recipe, its manufacturing secrets. Traditionally, Kelsh is not bottled, but is drunk exclusively in breweries.

Each brewery Kelsch has its own unique taste nuances, which are proud of and the secret of which they carefully cherish. Beer lovers are welcomed in the evenings, and there is no fundamental difference in how you drink beer - sitting at the table, or standing at the counter. The main thing is to have a fun close company that is in love with the process of beer consumption, because they don’t jam anything at a beer, drink, drink and only drink. A standard 200 ml glass ordered by you upon arrival may be only the “first” for you, and all because as soon as you have drunk one glass, you will certainly bring another glass of beer without additional order. It is carried in original devices resembling a 12-15 revolver loading drum.

There is no end and end to this life-giving beer river. If you already feel that your “shore” is close and you can’t take another glass, then you can cover your empty “goblet” with berdickels lying on the table (these are cardboard stands for glasses of beer). Traditionally, tall big guys work a little beer distributors in breweries, a little rude, but very proud. Work in high-end breweries is very honorable. The blue uniform of the beer deliveryman confidently walks among the true connoisseurs of beer. If you want to get favor from this healthy and strong guy, then you need to put him a glass of beer as a sign of appreciation and respect. These guys really can drink more than one or two liters per evening, there isn’t much beer for them and they’re unlikely to fill their glass with berdickels. Of the tasted four or five types of Kelsch beer during the evening, Gaffel Kölsсh left the most vivid impression, it is a pity that you can only taste it after visiting the glorious city of Cologne.

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